Resident & Community Engagement
We can offer practical advice and support to social landlords and resident groups covering a wide rand of options from setting up a local Residents’ Association to setting up Tenant Management Organisations and Tenant Ownership Co-ops. We have asked the Residents Association at the new venue we are managing on behalf of the community at Bedzed Pavillion to play a leading role. Our team can advise on developing and reviewing local and council-wide compacts and resident involvement structures as well as developing strategies to involve BME and other traditionally excluded tenants.
Our staff and consultants can support social landlords on an advisory basis including work on a secondment basis. Our services include:
Setting up residents’ associations
developing tenant management organisations
Tenant training programmes
developing local compacts and agreements
Setting up area and estate panels
Running focus groups
Tenant satisfaction surveys
Accessing grant funding
Advice on community right to bid
Running heritage and oral history projects
Advising on tenant involvement strategies
Reviewing tenant involvement strategies and structures
Organising tenant conferences and training events
Accessing grant funding
General administration and support services
Please get in touch to find out more and see how we can assist you.